143 Days


Yesterday, October 21, 2019, marked 143 days since I left the corporate world and became a full time artist. What made yesterday a bit of a landmark was the start of my new daily schedule to begin work in my studio at 9:00 AM. From the photo you can see the results of my efforts.

143 days ago, I did have a daily schedule and that is highly recommended when you leave the workforce. However in the past few weeks, I realized I needed to adjust that so I had a set time I would be in my studio. As strange as it sounds, I was spending less time in my studio than when I was employed.

Throughout the past months, there have been many projects around our home that have been completed. The discovery of what I could not get to when I was working outside our home has been a bit overwhelming. My husband, Dan, reassured me that it would take time. I love his wisdom and appreciate his help when he is home….you see, he still works full time.

With my schedule change, I can finally take care of what desperately needs attention, including spending more time metalsmithing. I have found that I am busier now than I ever was when working.

I have been away from posting in this blog for quite some time. A lot of changes have occurred since my last post in the summer of 2018. Some I may choose to share, others maybe not. Happily, my life is filled with so many joys, triumphs and challenges. I truly am grateful for all of it, trying to live each day focused in the present moment.

With this quick little post, I wanted to let you know I’m still creating my art. I am joyful and filled with gratitude. My goal is to write more often and to continue to discuss certain aspects of my personal life, my artistic journey, along with some review of tools I am using and why I find them valuable in my studio.

Until next time, I continue to aspire to be more as an artist and a person.